Friday, April 6, 2007

Hello everyone.

After much thought I have decided to return to this idea of this blog. Welcome to entry #2.

These are trying times. Mom has regressed very severely since January when I began the idea of this blog. She officially has Lewy Body Dementia - you will find a description of the disaese below, to further help you further understand. Basically she has both symptoms of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimers. Needless to say, this is a not fun combination.

She is no longer talking, her wandering has become a severe problem, and is now pocketing food and not swallowing. The life in her eyes is gone, catatonic almost. Common in Lewy Bodies, she is currently living a world of thirty years ago - making it hard for her to recognize even me. Because of this, she is now beyond the care of the nursing staff and I am having to deal with the responsibility of moving her for the third time. This time to a full blown Alzheimer's unit. And honestly am unable to tell you how much time is left. She may have a few months or years, they are unable to determine.

As I have been working in the Texas Capitol for the last few months - I have been able to put a lot of my effort into finding resources and people to truly help. The problem with the bureaucratic system is running into dead ends and worst, being pawn off onto other clueless entities. It is a daily battle. I do not know how people who do not have legislative connections or "inquiries" truly get through the jungle. But it has been a god send to have people willing to guide me and introduce me to new avenues. It has taken alot of research and studying - I'm beginning to wonder where my medical degree is these days. :)

Happy Easter to everyone. Easter being the time of renewal, rebirth and rejoicing - I am truly blessed ... please keep us in your prayers.

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